在snapnames购买的域名会被系统自动加上转移保护, 官方说只要你选择transfer out域名之后, 转移锁会自动解除, 同时系统把转移码发送到你的邮箱里面:
正常情况下, 域名锁已经解除, 并且你的邮箱应该收到转移码了。
This email acknowledges your request to transfer out of Moniker.com the following domains. It also includes the authorization codes your gaining registrar will require you provide to initiate the transfer from their side.
To maximize security, these domains will remain unlocked for only 10 days, after which time your transfer out request will expire and you will need to submit a new request to Moniker.com. If you did not request this transfer out, or if you require assistance, please go to our support center at http://support.Moniker.com
Below are your requested domains and the authorization codes. Please consult the registrar to which you are transferring the domains for instructions on how use these codes.
The Reason Given For Transfer Was: Change Of Ownership
Domain Name,Epp AuthInfo (if applicable)
----------- ----------------------------
Domain Name: Error Description
----------- ----------------------------
XXXXXXXXXX: This domain can not be transferred out due to domain security lock.
框是灰色的,不能选。 上面也说明了, 安全锁只能在转出时自动解除,不能手动解除。
试了很多次,都不行, 于是找到页面上的客服邮箱写信:
没想到,第二天,收到退信, 这个邮箱竟然不存在。
没想到, 这么坑爹。
怎么办。 这难住了我几天。
最后抱着试一试的态度, 点开support网站, 找到提交问题的地方:
等了一天, 这次终于收到了回复:
说已经解除了拍卖锁, 然后我再次transfer out, 果然成功了。
再去转别的域名, 还是转不成功。 于是我再次写信去,语气比较严重, 要他们把我所有的域名都解锁。
好吧, 大家记得以后有问题去support网站提交问题吧,不要直接发邮件了。